Our motto

Our motto

Our motto is to help start-ups and scale-ups become successful companies. We work hand-in-hand with them to build their dream. Treating their products as our own, we transform raw ideas into thriving realities. We walk alongside our partners, help them navigate the complexities of product development, and achieve success.

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Our values

Our values | Integrity


Be true to yourself, your colleagues and to your customers

Our values | Innovation


Innovate to create the best product - meeting customers needs in a novel way

Our values | Commitment


Always give your 100%

Our values | Empathy


Feel everyone in yourself

Our values | Passion


Love what you do


Brand essence

KeyValue’s name, logo, and tagline carry multiple meanings.

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Our name

KeyValue is more than a name – it's a representation of what we stand for and the essence of our work. Our name is the foundation we root ourselves in and the spirit we uphold in all our efforts – providing value to everyone we work for and everyone who works for us.

KeyValue represents the value added to every product we craft, which is the core among the values of a tech company. The products we build go beyond fulfilling a need – they offer a unique value to their users, setting them apart in the market. 

To a software engineer, KeyValue means a pair that defines two elements – one the definition or name of the data element and the other the data or value itself – which is the primary concept behind associative arrays, cache systems, and key-value databases.

KeyValue also symbolizes the fundamental principles we uphold in all our partnerships. We value each of them – and see them as long-term relationships. This elevates the value we provide to all our collaborations, laying the groundwork for mutual success.

Our tagline

“Let's build your idea” – at first read, one might think of the literal meaning that we simply build someone’s idea. But it signifies much more. It’s how we build it – together as a team with the person who developed the idea.

“Let's build your idea” sums up our commitment to flexibility and versatility in our approach to collaboration. It expresses our willingness to work with our partners to bring their vision to life and our capability to take the lead in crafting and refining their ideas on their behalf. We adapt and tailor our approach to fit our partners’ preferences and objectives.